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kittenSamsung changed its opinion by exactly 180 degrees and confirmed that it will soon end the ChatON service in the vast majority of the world, including the Czech Republic and Slovakia. The ChatON service will remain functional only in the US, with its termination in the rest of the world occurring on February 1, 2015. After the global termination, it will remain functional for some time, but even there it will be terminated during the first quarter of 2015, i.e. no later than 31.3.2015/XNUMX/XNUMX. According to the company, users who use the Samsung ChatON service should back up their data as soon as possible, which they are given enough time to do.

The main reason for the termination of the service is the new conditions in the IM market, where its service simply cannot compete with WhatsApp, FB Messenger or other services that are used by masses of people. After all, we can see it regularly - you almost always hear notifications from the most used services on your phones, rather than from ChatON.

var sklikData = { elm: "sklikReklama_47925", zoneId: 47925, w: 600, h: 190 };


var sklikData = { elm: "sklikReklama_47926", zoneId: 47926, w: 600, h: 190 };

*Source: Yonhap

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