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note3_iconOne-handed operation causes problems for many users of current smartphones. The increasing size of displays forces us to use both hands at the same time, which in certain cases seems too uncomfortable and unnecessarily worries a person. Samsung partly alleviates the problems with the help of the one-handed function that it applied to the models Galaxy Note 3, where we can use our thumb to organize the environment in the entire device.

The simplicity of the patent lies in the use of the comfort zone of our hand, where it is mostly based on the interaction of the thumb with the touch screen. The patented function will allow the user to customize the environment according to their own comfort zone of the thumb, while there will be no unnecessary reaching for items from the opposite corner of your device, as you can pull them to your thumb with a simple gesture. Instead of the standard movements of the entire display windows, this time the environment will be bent to an angle, which will allow you to make full use of the "uncomfortable" part of the display. We will probably use this quite interesting element for other functions, for example unlocking the screen, customizing icons, media player or controlling games.

The new patent should bring a more convenient form of using one hand, which we should probably expect to see on models Galaxy S5.



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