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During the performance Galaxy Samsung also presented the S5 at Monday's MWC 2014 with an intelligent power saving mode, which changes the color scheme to black and white only when switched on, allowing the smartphone to last over 10 hours with 24% battery. Nevertheless, representatives of the Korean company revealed 3 more options for saving battery from LucidLogix, which is primarily concerned with increasing battery life. Their series of battery-saving conveniences called Xtend, which includes NavExtend, WebExtend, and GameExtend, will also make their way into Galaxy S5, which should increase the endurance rapidly.

NavExtend is aimed at increasing battery life while using GPS and similar utilities. It will reduce the GPU performance to match the minimum requirements of the given GPS client. Without NavExtend, your GPS will be maxed out and your battery will drain much faster. NavExtend intelligently controls the GPU, the battery is more conserved and the battery life is increased by up to 25%.

WebExtend works in a similar way, which unsurprisingly increases endurance while surfing the Internet. It combines GPU and CPU performance reduction and is said to support all major browsers for the system Android. GameExtend has already been used on Galaxy Note 3, where it managed the performance of the device while processing demanding tasks such as playing games. All these components from LucidLogix seem to do Galaxy S5 one of the devices with the longest battery life of any device that has been or will be released this year.


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