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It has been speculated for some time that Samsung is preparing a device similar to Google Glass, i.e. smart glasses. However, no evidence has been released about this device informace, until now, as Samsung has filed a patent whose images reveal to us the principle of writing text on Galaxy Glass. Different keys are assigned to different parts of the hand, with the fingers themselves being used as input devices, apparently using a camera that captures the movement of the fingers and transforms them.

The patent was filed last year at the World Intellectual Property Organization and the South Korean Patent Office, but it is very likely that a system like this will not even be seen in the device due to its complexity, and Samsung is reportedly already looking for an alternative solution for gesture control. The Korean manufacturer is said to be considering the implementation of voice control, similar to Google Glass, which is, however, quite inappropriate in some situations. Disclosure Galaxy We expect Glass around the second half of the year, probably along with the unveiling Galaxy Footnote 4.



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