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kittenSamsung has updated its ChatON IM app these days and it brings features that are sure to please. In the new version 3.5.59, ChatON brings, among other things, the option to cancel a sent message, which you can use, for example, if you send your message to the wrong person. Another significant addition is the ability to send files up to 1 GB in size. However, this feature only works five times a day and only in selected countries. The news also includes the possibility of communication via ChatON and SMS simultaneously in one chat room.

The LIVE UI and group chat environment have also been improved. It should be noted that the new update is only available for Android, while the official application ChatON pre iOS it was last updated in December 2013. The application itself is free and you can download it download for free from the Play Store if you are using an operating system Android 2.2 or later.

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