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Finally, iFixIt took a look at the third novelty, which went on sale worldwide yesterday. The revolutionary Samsung Gear Fit smart bracelet got into the hands of well-known technicians, who immediately disassembled it and described in detail what to pay attention to when repairing it and, conversely, what to repair the left-back. The world's first bracelet with a curved Super AMOLED display received a 6 out of 10 repairability rating from iFixIt, with the unibody design and motherboard being the biggest issues.

The Gear Fit is assembled in such a way that for any repairs it is necessary to first disconnect the LCD display, due to which there is a risk of damage to the display when trying to repair an internal component. At the same time, the motherboard represents a fundamental problem when replacing any component, as the side button, antenna and vibration motor are connected to the board. In its guide, iFixIt also pointed out that there is an empty space in the wristband hidden by a cover, which leads to speculation that the microphone was supposed to be hidden there. The entire disassembly process reminded the technicians rather of slicing an onion, as all the components are hidden in a heap in the body, which, in addition to the display, also hides the battery and the motherboard. However, the lower part of the body is separated from the rest, which can make it much easier to replace should it become damaged.

*Source: iFixIt

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