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Samsung Galaxy S5Waterproofing is one of the main features of the new Samsung Galaxy S5. But at the same time, it is one of his biggest problems. Many people began to complain that despite the water resistance, water got into the inside of their phone, due to which they had to immediately return it to the stores. The problem is probably that the phone has a removable cover, so there may be small cracks through which water can get inside the phone and damage it. While users didn't report the phone stopping working, the rear camera fogged up and some water even got into the front camera.

The problem was primarily pointed out by the editor of the server that reviewed Galaxy S5 and subjected it to a waterproof test during the test. After experimenting with water, the editor realized that something was wrong with his phone and that his Galaxy after all, it is not as waterproof as it should be. It is possible that this is just a technical error in the first few units of the phone, as is the case with many products. There are also a lot of videos on the Internet that show that the phone can actually survive swimming without much difficulty.


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