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If you use Samsung devices, then you may have received a few error messages on your device over the weekend. The problem was that a fire broke out at the Samsung SDS building in the South Korean city of Gwacheon, knocking out the company's servers, including The fire broke out on the fourth floor of the building where servers with backup data are located. This includes, among other things, data related to credit cards that were connected to Samsung Accounts, and thus it could happen that it was not possible to purchase new applications from Samsung Apps.

"Fortunately" the problem only involved the backup data center and not the central data center located in Suwon. There was no loss of life in the fire, but rescuers had to hospitalize one worker who was injured by falling debris. The fire did not spread to the office premises, it only affected the outer wall of the building. The cause of the fire is currently being investigated and the amount of damage is being determined. However, Samsung assures that its services should work, although apparently only to a limited extent. However, he immediately started downloading this data to other backup servers in the country. Judging by the video below, the situation could have been much worse.

*Source: Sammytoday

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