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The Chitika portal has published statistics showing the current share of tablet manufacturers in the North American tablet market, all compared to last year. According to the results, he still leads the company Apple with a 77.2% market share, but last year the North American giant had a market share of more than 81%. The loss of less than four percent is partly caused by Samsung, which is doing almost twice as well compared to last year, as it went from 4.7% to 8.3%. The share of Amazon manufacturers also decreased, which this year fell from last year's 7.4% by a total of 1.3%.

The significant growth of Samsung's share of the North American tablet market may also be a result of the release of several new high-end tablets with the PRO designation in the first quarter of this year. Anyway, this increase is another sign that Samsung is doing well in the U.S., having just recently released informace about the fact that Samsung managed to sell more units of the new in the first week Galaxy S5, than the iPhone 5s managed to sell in the first week of release.


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