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Samsung is in the midst of a lawsuit with Apple he has already expressed several times why he should not pay any compensation. Nevertheless, the court fined Samsung $119,6 million, which the company understandably does not like. Apple in fact, he sued Samsung for using the features of the operating system Android, which infringe Apple's patents. Several experts commented on this fact, including a member of the jury of the court, who declared that Apple walks around the hot mess suing hardware manufacturers instead of software manufacturers.

Samsung's lawyer, John Quinn, said that the company is happy that the court awarded Samsung damages of only 6% of what it originally requested Apple, but still thinks Samsung shouldn't pay Apple a cent: "Apple for he omitted any real evidence, nor produced anything to take its place. So you have a verdict that is not supported by any evidence – and that is just one of several problems.” Apple at the same time, he demanded damages in the amount of 2,2 billion dollars from Samsung for infringement of five patents. Samsung, on the other hand, blamed it on its protection Apple from the infringement of two patents, while the court recognized that Apple violated one of them and must also pay compensation.

*Source: Bloomberg

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