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Samsung Galaxy The S5 unsurprisingly breaks records. The latest one was revealed by the South Korean portal Hankyung and again related to the sales achieved since the release date. Ten million units of this new smartphone were sold in the first 25 days, which Samsung Galaxy The S5 outperformed all of its predecessors, some by months. The ten million milestone was achieved by older phones from the series Galaxy S overcome within: 27 days (Galaxy S4), 50 days (Galaxy S3), 5 months (Galaxy S2) and 7 months (Galaxy S).

Released in April/April, the smartphone is currently sold in 125 countries around the world, including the Czech and Slovak Republics. So far, South Korean Samsung's plans are being fulfilled and the next frontier it could Galaxy To surpass the S5, there are 35 million units sold this quarter, or possibly 40 million units in the first six months, which were already talked about before the release. The assumptions of some analysts are thus falling apart, as many of them predicted very weak sales Galaxy S5 in the first few months (allegedly due to a lack of innovation), but this has undoubtedly not been confirmed, and Samsung has much to celebrate.

*Source: (KOR)

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