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Android 4.4.4Some of you read a few days ago that Google has released Android 4.4.3. However, this version was not the latest for long. A few days ago, Google released another version with the number 4.4.4. Even Nexus 4, 5, 7 and 10 users are already reporting that the update is available for download. You may be wondering how two versions were released so soon after each other. Admittedly, this is unusual, but Google had to release this update as soon as possible. What is it about? Read on. The serial number of this version is KTU84P.

People from XDA-Developers searched the source code of the new update and found that the update only solves a serious security hole in Androide very similar diere Heartbleed which was removed in Androidand 4.4.3. This hole made it very easy to steal data and especially passwords directly through websites. This hole is a bit more serious. This means that the attacker could modify the communication between the page and the phone and thus get access to the user's private data. And in such a way that he was able to encrypt the OpenSSL and TLS protocols. According to statistics, up to 14% of sites were vulnerable to this type of attack.

This is really a serious error in the system and therefore it is already clear that big companies like Samsung, HTC, Motorola or LG will rush to release this version for as many devices as possible in the shortest possible time. Devices of the Nexus class in America have already received the update and it is only a matter of days when it will also be released for devices from the Google Edition "family". In the near future, this update should also arrive for devices from Motorola, which is famous for really fast system updates. The other companies were not discussed, and as we know them, the update will not come until at least a month later.

Android 4.4.4
*Source: Phonearena
Article created by: Matej Ondrejka

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