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Flopsy droidOne expects that smart watches will be used for more than just checking the time. Well, apparently no one expected that watches could become a new segment of the gaming market. However, Samsung Gear Live, the smartwatch that was introduced at Google I/O 2014 and is starting to go on sale these days, already has its first game. Of course, it's not about any racing or GTA, but it's an arcade title that might be very well known to people these days. This is a clone of Flappy Bird pre Android Wear.

The game is called Flopsy Droid and as you can already guess from the name, in the game the player will control a flying character Androida. What pleases me is that the author of the game does not want to make money on his game like some others who create copies of Flappy Bird, but offers the game completely free. However, this was to be expected, since the game is available on a platform that no one has yet and the number of applications directly intended for it is very small.

  • Floppy Droid pro Android Wear you can download from Google Play Store

Samsung Gear Live Floppy Droid

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