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badusb hackWe all probably breathed a sigh of relief when Google fixed the hack called Heartbleed. But the new administrations are not so good. Unfortunately, a hacker group called White-hat has drawn attention to the so-called "BadUSB hack", which is much more dangerous than the aforementioned Heartbleed. This insidious hack directly attacks the firmware of the USB controller and therefore cannot be removed. Even antiviruses will not help, because immediately after being infected, it is overwritten in such a way that it does not pose any threat to antiviruses. The only way to solve the problem is not at all pleasant - the media must be either physically destroyed or reprogrammed from scratch. Simply put, it works like the HIV virus, reprogramming the DNA of cells to pretend everything is fine while replicating the virus further into the body.

What does this virus actually do? First of all, it spreads through all USB outputs without being noticed. That is, if you have a virus on your Notebook and you want to transfer data to your mobile phone, the virus is immediately copied to your smartphone. Second, but also very serious, it can turn into anything suitable for data leakage. It can pretend to be a keyboard and enter commands into the computer to leak said data. Or with Android devices will manipulate the network card to display malware on the computer in order to obtain sensitive data. Since there is no way to fight this virus yet, we can only hope that it will somehow bypass us and that someone will find a way to protect our devices as soon as possible.

badusb hack


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