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Liftago TaxiThe Czech start-up Liftago, which develops an application for smartphones that aims to improve the taxi market, drew attention to itself this week with an unusual viral event. The company's founder and visionary, Martin Hausenblas, decided to draw the attention of the people of Prague to new possibilities for movement in the city in an interesting way. With a bit of luck, you too can take a ride in his fully electric Tesla S, of which there are still few in the Czech Republic (according to the August issue of Forbes magazine, 12 units). Just download the pro app iOS or Android and order a taxi according to your preferences – you can decide based on price, car, range or driver rating – and hope that instead of the ordered car, a 420 horsepower Tesla will pick you up and take you away for free. Just make sure you notice her when she comes for you, because you definitely won't hear her.

The Liftago Taxi application aggregates independent taxi drivers and dispatchers, which is probably its biggest advantage compared to applications from the Blue Angel, the Cheapest Taxi or the currently often inflected Uber, which also arrived in Prague a few days ago. All these applications only offer their transport capacity and the efficiency is the same as a call to dispatch. The difference with the last mentioned lies mainly in the concept of service. While Uber is developing a completely new solution, the drivers are not licensed taxi drivers who are rebelling against the concept as an enemy of their traditional business across all continents; Liftago goes the other way and tries to integrate existing taxi drivers into its app. All parties benefit from this principle, drivers do not drive many unnecessary kilometers for customers and choose only jobs they are interested in, and passengers do not have to wait long minutes for a taxi.

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