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Samsung S GearPrague, September 10, 2014 – Samsung Electronics Co. Ltd. prepared a unique fashion show inspired by the Samsung Gear S in collaboration with the Diesel Black Gold brand. The partnership between the Samsung and Diesel Black Gold brands embodies the union of innovative technology with unique design and the creative world of fashion.

Andreas Melbostad, Creative Director of Diesel Black Gold, interprets the revolutionary nature of the Samsung Gear S with a series of customized accessories that will debut on the catwalks at the launch of the Spring/Summer 2015 collection. The innovative technology of the Samsung Gear S was the basis for the creative team of Diesel Black Gold , who created a collection of unique pieces of various shapes, colors and details, all in the brand's signature cult style. Elements from the spring/summer collection, inspired by the new wave of rock stars, were also used in the approach to the equipment and characterized by the use of leather and metal details.

Samsung Gear S Diesel Black Gold

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"Our goal is to develop collaborations with brands that inspire the fashion world and encourage people to express their unique style,” said Younghee Lee, Executive Vice President of Samsung Global Marketing and IT & Mobile Division. "Partnering with Diesel Black Gold is key to showcasing the unity of fashion, technology and the way wearables are becoming a part of everyday life."

Andreas Melbostad adds: “I wanted to infuse the Gear S with Diesel Black Gold DNA. Creating a personified form of the Gear S was an inspiring challenge for us, an elongated version of a person and an expression of a unique personality was born.”

Samsung and Diesel will jointly shoot a 360° video of the Diesel Black Gold show, which will be playable on the Samsung Gear VR, making it an amazing and unique experience for viewers.

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Samsung Gear S Diesel Black Gold

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