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Windows Phone 8 logoGood news for all developers! As was already known in Apple, developers must pay annual fees for their account. Google has it figured out in a different way, by taking 30% of every profit. This sounds better for novice developers who want to program apps for free. But what did Microsoft bet on most recently? Newly, developers will no longer pay an annual fee. The only thing to pay is $19 to register a developer account in the Microsoft Developer Network community.

This method should help attract more developers to develop pre applications Windows 8 to Windows Phone, respectively for Xbox One and increase the team's total number of applications because behind competitors Windows Store lags significantly behind. Apple and Google boast a figure of around 1,3 million applications, while Windows The Store currently only has around 300 of them. On the other hand, the low share of the system also contributes to this Windows Phone on the market.

var sklikData = { elm: "sklikReklama_47925", zoneId: 47925, w: 600, h: 190 };

var sklikData = { elm: "sklikReklama_47926", zoneId: 47926, w: 600, h: 190 };

*Source: PhoneArena

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