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Samsung BlueIn literally incredible fashion, South Korea's Samsung Blue team defeated their opponent at the League Of Legends World Championship today. The Chinese team OMG did not get a single chance in the whole match and were absolutely blown away, their nexus was already destroyed in the 28th minute with a final score of 11:1, because in the whole match only the mider Dade and Orianna died from Samsung Blue, otherwise Acorn and Kayle on top, Spirit with Kha'Zix in the jungle, Deft with Twitch as ADC and Heart with Janna as support could boast zero in the death column.

After three days of the second group stage, Samsung Blue already have 3 wins and 1 loss, they are the first in the group so far and we will find out if anything changes tomorrow, when, in addition to the match with LMQ, we will also see a rematch with the European Fnatic, who are the only so far they have managed to beat one of the Samsung sponsored teams.

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