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Samsung Galaxy Notes 4Apple with yours iPhone 6 Plus unleashed a whole new phenomenon in the form of Bendgate. The fact that you can bend your ultra-thin phone has become a hit on the Internet, and those who have been trying to do various crash tests on phones are starting to practice the Bend test on a large scale. Not even the latest phablet from the Samsung workshop escaped the test. Galaxy Notes 4, which competes with its dimensions iPhone 6 Plus. And similar to iPhone 6 Plus, also the body Galaxy The Note 4 consists of aluminum, or has an aluminum frame, while the rest of the structure is again plastic.

The combination of aluminum and leather-imitating plastic looks nice, but aluminum is not the happiest choice for such large devices. As you can see in the video below, Samsung Galaxy The Note 4 managed to bend in the test precisely because of its metal construction. Here it also turns out that plastic is a significantly stronger material, so if you want to bend the Note 3, you have to use much more force to do so - and the phone will still return to its original shape. Of course, any phone can be damaged, so we don't recommend that people try to do such tests on their phones. And of course, under no circumstances should people sit on their phones - they are too thin and big after all.

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