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Samsung Gear LiveSamsung Gear Live, so far the only watch from Samsung that has an operating system Android Wear, are getting an update, specifically for the version Android Wear 4.4W.2. It should bring quite a few novelties, but many of them relate to functions that have been abundant in the Gear Live since its release, as Samsung has already implemented them in the device. This applies, for example, to GPS support, playing music directly from the watch or the ability to hide notifications in the foreground.

The update is not yet available globally, it should appear for Czech and Slovak users in the coming weeks. However, if you are impatient, you can already download OTA files on the Internet, with which you can use the new one Android Wear install manually, but the installation does not always have to go well, so we recommend waiting for another Friday.

var sklikData = { elm: "sklikReklama_47926", zoneId: 47926, w: 600, h: 190 };

Gear Live Android Wear

var sklikData = { elm: "sklikReklama_47925", zoneId: 47925, w: 600, h: 190 };

*Source: AndroidPolice

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