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Samsung Proximity iconYou will know Apple iBeacon? Today he got a competitor. And that directly from Samsung. Because Samsung today introduced its own location-based notification system. It was specially designed so that sellers can also send you notifications. This means that the entire system is directly focused on your location and, based on it, can alert you, for example, to products on offer in the store you are currently in. However, they can also be more pleasant notifications, such as precise navigation to your seat in the theater or stadium. Samsung called it Proximity.

And how does it actually work? The trick is that there will be Bluetooth LE devices in those locations that will start communicating with your phone as soon as you get close enough. As already mentioned, such a service has been available for a year from Apple and it has also been made available to users AndroidiBeacon, however, did not gain the expected fame and therefore Samsung took the chance. It is mainly that Apple required the given application from you to communicate with these devices. This means that if you went to the theater, for example, and wanted to find your seat using this technology, you had to download the theater's app.

However, Samsung simply solved this and everything is centralized in one application called Proximity, according to the name of this whole project. This really caught the attention of a lot of people and also a lot of sellers. Unfortunately, Samsung did not specify the date when this service will be launched. However, he is currently negotiating with sellers, shops and companies that could start using the technology.

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Samsung Proximity

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