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Nvidia logoYou may have heard about the patent war between Nvidia and Samsung. Some time ago, NVIDIA sued Samsung and there was a threat that if it won the fight, several Samsung mobile phones, including Galaxy S5 to Galaxy The Note 4 will not be sold in the US. As expected, Samsung fought back and filed a lawsuit as well. The lawsuits are still ongoing and will continue for a long time, but the latest reports speak of something new from Samsung.

He decided to propose to the US government that it should stop importing NVIDIA Tegra mobile chips and, surprisingly, GeForce graphics cards, which form the basis of more than half of gaming computers. And since Samsung filed a lawsuit through the ITC, the result of which is usually much faster than classic lawsuits, there is a good chance that NVIDIA will have to withdraw the aforementioned products from the store shelves if it does not quickly find a way to defend itself.

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