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Galaxy Notes 4It is no news that Samsung makes advertisements for its products. Not long after he released a video showing the advantages of the camera u Galaxy Note 4, which can record in 4K, the company is releasing a series of advertisements for this device again, but this time the spots are conceived in a slightly different way. Two social media experts, Shaun McBride (Snapchat) and Rudy Mancuso (Vine), are helping some New Yorkers make bad days better by planning interesting activities to keep them occupied.

In the first video, the duo helps a stressed-out girl and decides to take her to boxing to relieve her stress. In the second spot, we can see how the two help a selfie photo lover get an "epic" selfie. The third video shows a man fed up with the winter weather as McBride and Mancuso play volleyball with him under the Winter Sun. At the same time, all videos include and demonstrate the features of the S Pen stylus, which you can also read about in ours review.

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