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Look At MeSamsung has partnered with Autism Speaks Canada to develop the Look At Me app to help children with autism. Specifically, it should help them make eye contact, express emotions and recognize emotions from facial expressions, and according to the company, it should also support the connection between these children, parents and caregivers. Samsung is also donating 200 tablets Galaxy Tab S with this application pre-installed for families with children affected by autism.

The release of this application took place as part of the global campaign Launching People, organized by Samsung, which helps people fulfill their dreams with the help of technology from the South Korean manufacturer. Even so, the mentioned 200 tablets will be distributed only in Canada for now, well Galaxy Of course, the Tab S will not be the only compatible device and the Look At Me application will soon also appear in the Google Play store menu, for more information we recommend watching the video below the text.



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