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Galaxy S6 iconOur editors can't wait for Samsung to present a new one Galaxy S6, mainly because we should expect something completely new. This was also confirmed by one of the company's former employees, who revealed some of the goings-on around the phone on Reddit under the nickname SamsungRep2015. Although it is not possible to confirm the authenticity of his claim, an anonymous user says that the South Korean giant had several prototypes in the works Galaxy S6 even before he introduced Galaxy S5 at the MWC fair. He claims that the prototype at the time had a 5.2″ display and he held it in his hand, which would support rumors at the time that Samsung Galaxy The S5 will have a 5.2″ display with a QHD resolution – it didn't happen.

According to him, Samsung also changes the design of the phone every single day, so it could already create hundreds of different prototypes that will never see the light of day, but they preceded the model that will be presented, which probably looks like the one in the photo below. In addition to working on the classic model, he is also expected to experiment with two other models with curved displays on one or both sides. Interestingly, the key role in the new model is no longer played by hardware and software (TouchWiz is said to be optimized better than ever!) and the company wants to focus on design, which is supposed to play a very important role.

// s6_design2


*Source: Reddit

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