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Lee-Don-taeSamsung has hired a new chief designer. There probably wouldn't be anything special about it if he wasn't the former co-CEO of the design studio Tangerine, which was once founded by Apple's chief designer, Jony Ive. The Samsung team thus received a relatively influential personality in its circles, since this studio in the past produced designs for many leading companies (including LG) and his work was so interesting that he Apple in the 80s he was commissioned to create designs for various experimental Macintoshes and other devices. However, the Newton design became famous, the design of which was designed by the current chief designer of Apple, Jony Ive.

The fact that a man from Jony Ivo's company became Samsung's chief designer can mean a very significant event for the company. Lee Don-tae was supposed to become the company's chief designer earlier this month, and it is quite likely that future Samsung devices will have their own design. The exception will probably be Galaxy S6, as it is highly likely that Samsung has been working on this device since last year and a design change could require a delay in both its release and introduction, which the company clearly does not want. So we're really curious to see how Samsung's product design will evolve this year, as its products will be designed by a personality who emerged from a company founded by rival Jony Ive.

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var sklikData = { elm: "sklikReklama_47925", zoneId: 47925, w: 600, h: 190 };

*Source: Korea Herald

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