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android- virusNot every app is safe. It's no secret, and today we learn that a trio of apps were removed from Google Play shortly after Avast found them to be malicious apps. There would probably be nothing wrong with that, but Avast also discovered that these applications were installed on 5 million devices with Androidomg! Specifically, it was Durak software, Konka Russian History and Iwold IQ Test. Therefore, if you happen to have installed any of these apps in the past, you are at risk.

How exactly did these apps invade your phone? They contained adware and after running them, you will receive a fake message that your mobile is infected and will refer you to third-party stores. And here it begins. Worms get into your cell phone, waiting for you to restart your cell phone at least once, and after a few days they start showing activity. Viruses therefore use a sophisticated camouflage system, as they relieve you of the suspicion that viruses come from one of the three applications that were mentioned above.


var sklikData = { elm: "sklikReklama_47925", zoneId: 47925, w: 600, h: 190 };

*Source: PhoneArena

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