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Samsung Smart TVShortly after finishing reading Orwell's 1984, I made a resolution that if I didn't have to, I wouldn't buy a Smart TV. And if I have no choice, I will use it offline. It sounded paranoid, but now it turns out that I am actually protecting my privacy with my decision. I am especially supported in this by reports from the last few days. A certain Reddit user commented on a certain sentence in the terms of privacy protection found with his Samsung Smart TV.

The notes simply say that “Samsung and your device may collect voice commands and associated text so we can provide Voice Recognition features to you and improve features. Please note that if you have spoken personal or other sensitive information, this information is stored and sent to third parties within the Voice Recognition service." So Samsung is practically saying that if you have a Smart TV in your living room, you shouldn't talk about any private things in front of it, because it can hear it. On the other hand, even though many people are now accusing Samsung of spying and selling sensitive data for profit, there is no evidence to suggest this. Meanwhile, Samsung has defended itself by using data encryption and various industry standards to increase security and prevent unauthorized access to your information. Also, if it bothers you, Samsung recommends you turn off Voice Recognition or completely disconnect the TV from the Internet.

var sklikData = { elm: "sklikReklama_47926", zoneId: 47926, w: 600, h: 190 };

Samsung Smart TV

var sklikData = { elm: "sklikReklama_47925", zoneId: 47925, w: 600, h: 190 };

*Source: The Daily Beast

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