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Samsung Smart TVIt didn't help that Samsung had to point out several times that its Smart TVs don't bug you. Now the privacy protection group, EPIC, has entered the text in the terms of use. The Electronic Privacy Information Center has asked the US FTC to investigate what Samsung's smart TVs are actually doing and whether the wiretapping report is just a false alarm or there is actually something to it. Anyway, if the FTC does figure something out, it would definitely be bad news for the company, especially now before the release (and introduction) Galaxy S6.

It would significantly spoil the name of the company, which is already having a rather difficult time. To be precise, this is just the consumer electronics division of Samsung Electronics. The FTC, as the US Federal Trade Commission, has the right to ban the sale of smart TVs in the US in case of any findings. At the same time, it was there that Samsung should have recorded a significant increase in sales last year. At the same time, it could teach him for the future.

Samsung Smart TV



*Source: PCWorld

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