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Galaxy S6 Background iconParallax effect is a feature that users can be with iPhone acquaintance for two years. The function sets the background in motion, which is controlled by the accelerometer, and depending on how you move the phone, the system behaves as if icons and widgets are flying somewhere between the glass and the display. Unlike iPhone 6, however, the background moves to Galaxy The S6 is slightly less intense and you might not even notice it in the end. However, it is quite an interesting detail that enriches the overall experience of the new phone and TouchWiz.

Right now it looks like Samsung hasn't built any way into the system to turn off the effect. However, it is possible that later the company will release an update that will make available the option to turn off the moving background. For one thing, it can save a little on battery life, since the gyroscope doesn't have to constantly determine the phone's position. However, it can also make the use of the phone more pleasant for people who have health problems related to watching moving graphics on the display. Shortly after release iOS 7, there have been reports that some users feel nauseous when using the Parallax effect. On the other hand, the background sa on Galaxy The S6 doesn't move as much as the Na iPhone.



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