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Samsung Gear W promoSamsung has just sent out an advisory to developers notifying them of the possibility to download the SDK for the next generation of Samsung Gear watches. The accompanying graphic also reveals a completely new shape of the watch from the South Korean manufacturer. They will be circular exactly as was speculated some time ago. The watch, codenamed Orbis, should offer a completely new way of control, and not only will we control it with the help of a touch screen, but we should also control it with the help of a bezel with an as-yet-unknown name.

The environment of the watch, which could potentially be called Samsung Gear W, will be called Wheel UX, and this name may be related to the bezel. However, the circular display is a matter of course. The company also announced that it works with large partners such as Yelp, CNN, Baidu, FidMe or Apposter.

Samsung Gear W promo

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