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Samsung-TV-Cover_rc_280x210The mega-scandal surrounding Volkswagen emissions is an example of the fact that not everything on paper must be true. And it seems that technology giant Samsung, or rather its consumer electronics division, has a similar problem. A group of scientists funded by the EU, ComplianTV, drew attention to the fact that the company could artificially reduce the consumption of its televisions during laboratory tests, and thus the stated consumption of televisions is deceptive, lower than the real one.

These are televisions with Motion Lightning technology. The technology can reduce the brightness of the image and thus the energy consumption. However, according to the experts, I can find out whether TVs are tested by the International Electrotechnical Commission IEC and when they find out that they are, they artificially reduce their consumption by up to half and show values ​​that cannot be achieved during normal use. During the first minute, since the test video was started on the TV, the consumption dropped from 70W to only 39W, which according to Richard Kay is an unrealistic reduction in consumption. The EU has already launched a thorough investigation and is looking into the truth of the claims. If it is found that Samsung really lied in the tests, it could face a hefty fine.

However, Samsung says that this is nonsense. He defended himself by saying that he had not cheated or intended to deceive in any way during his tests. He also expressed indignation at the fact that the European Union compared the situation to the Volkswagen case. So, I will show how it will be in the following weeks.

Samsung Smart TV Special Edition


*Source: AndroidPortal

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