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Galaxy Note 5 SwarovskiAt the end of last year it was said that Samsung Galaxy The S7 will look practically the same as its predecessor, and the first, not very clear leaks, indicated that it will indeed be so. But since no one would probably be able to distinguish the new S7 from its predecessor, Samsung will make one change in the design, and a real one. Do you like the curved back glass on Galaxy Note 5? We do, and it looks like Samsung will use it for this year's flagship, which is supposed to be presented next month.

Flat version Galaxy So the S7 will not look like its predecessor at all, but rather like a smaller version Galaxy The Note 5, which is distinguished from the S6 by the curved glass back cover just mentioned. It should even adopt the pill-shaped Home Button we saw on the Tizen-powered Z3. The advantage of the new design will also be that the camera will not stick out so much from the body and the camera will be more in line with the rest of the body. However, this is contributed to by the thicker body, which contains a 3 mAh battery instead of the 000 mAh in Galaxy S6.

Galaxy Notes 5

*Source: SamMobile


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