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samsungfactoryAs a conglomerate, Samsung is one of the largest companies in the world, so it can be counted on to invest considerable money in research and development in order to continue to maintain this position. This is at least according to the Strategy& company, which published R&D statistics for the last year and found that among the companies operating in the consumer electronics market, Samsung invested in research and development the most of all, thus surpassing its competitors several times over.

The South Korean company apparently spent up to 14,1 billion dollars, and the only one who surpassed it in this regard was Volkswagen, which inadvertently managed to invest in technology that distorted information about emissions. VW invested $15,3 billion in development last year. For the sake of interest, Apple invested only 6 billion dollars in research and development, placing it 18th in the table, i.e. one of the last ranks of the Top 20.

Samsung R&D in 2015


*Source: SamMobile

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