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Using our phones while driving. It's not something anyone likes to admit they do, but it's something all of us have done at least once. It is very dangerous and not worth the risk. But sometimes I need to use Google Maps to figure out how and where to get to my destination, or make a quick call to my boss. 

Google focused on this issue and created it Android Car, which is competition Apple Car. It is de facto an interaction between Android by phone and car. Many car manufacturers integrate this service into their new models, but people just don't have the money to buy new cars every year like they do with phones. Google takes this into account and announced at its I / O conference that Android Car will soon be available directly for phones with Androidem. We've been waiting months and months for this app until now we finally got it.

To use Android Car, all you need to do is download the app, find a cheap car mount and connect your phone. The app will offer you an incredibly simplified layout that will help you use your phone safely and efficiently even while driving. You can download the app for free in the Play Store.

android- auto-multiple

Source: Phonearena

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