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It seems that all the debate is over Galaxy Note 7 is over. Samsung released a special update for this premium model, which limits the battery capacity to a full 60 percent. However, even so, the manufacturer pressures the owner to return the phone, because another accident could happen. Among other things, Samsung apologized for the exploding product, using a two-page document.

However, some customers are a little different and simply do not want to forgive Samsung for this problem. Canadian law firm McKenzie Lake and their lawyers filed a joint lawsuit against Samsung's Canadian and American divisions. According to their report, the manufacturer was negligent and should have realized the danger their device posed.

Of course, Note 7 owners will be part of the legal process, but it caused health problems for them. If everything goes through the court process, the owners could ask for compensation for the damage and request a special statement from Samsung admitting its mistake.


Source: Phonearena

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