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As they say, better late than never. After almost a decade of waiting, Nokia has finally decided to introduce a phone with Androidum and this is the end result. Nokia used to be the absolute number one, but it fell asleep for a while, the train missed it and neither did the transition to Windows The phone didn't help her. But the company lives on and former fans will probably be very surprised, because already in 2017 we will see the first TOP model of the Nokia brand.

But the old Nokia won't just make phones, not like it used to. Instead, the Nokia name will get the necessary license for Chinese phone manufacturers. Why did we wait so long? One of the variants is the signed contract with Microsoft, when Nokia as such was not allowed to manufacture mobile devices until 2017.

However, now the company has agreed on everything and issued a press release:

“Nokia, as such, has received a license from HMD Global, thanks to which it can once again return to the production of phones. According to the agreement, the manufacturer will receive royalties from HMD sales. So Nokia is not an investor and not even a shareholder.."


Source: Bgr


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