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It was already some Friday when the first piece of Note 7 exploded. During that time, Samsung tried countless times to fix everything - replacing phones (piece by piece), updating (it allowed charging the device to a maximum of 60%) and more - and it would have been possible to say that everything will finally be over once and for all. Unfortunately, it doesn't come close and we know why. 

The Korean manufacturer claims to have managed to collect more than 2,7 million Note 7 units to date, which is a return of more than 90% from the main markets – Europe and North America. I'll just clarify that there were around 3,06 million units sold. The home environment is also doing very well, i.e. South Korea, where 80 percent of the units sold were returned to the company. If the rest of the phones don't come back, Samsung will have to take a drastic step in the form of an update that will turn the Note 7 into a luxury paperweight.

Notes 7

Source GSMarena

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