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Samsung plans to Galaxy The S8 uses the same space-saving display technology that it used in the Note 7. These displays are called Y-Okta and have special touch sensors integrated directly into the panel, it is not so much a layer as a thin film under the cover glass. If you remember the old movies on tape, you know what I'm talking about.

This type of controller also reduces the size of the entire display. All in all, today's display units take up very little space. Galaxy However, the S8 is supposed to be extremely thin, so every available space counts. As a result, this means that Samsung will equip its flagship with the same display technology as the Note 7, which was compatible with an HDR10 display.

Bottom line, if Samsung bets on an aggressive design again, it could end up in the same fiasco as the Note 7. The latter failed mainly because of its hardware design.


Source: Phonearena 

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