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Today, Amazon took a big step to satisfy millions of customers. The company has decided to expand its Prime Video service to more than 200 more countries, thanks to which we will be able to watch the very popular show of Jeremy Clarkson, Richard Hammond and James May - The Grand Tour. Of course, the program Mozart in the jungle, Transparent or The Man in the High Castle, and others will also be available.

The service costs $2,99 ​​per month for the first six months. After exceeding this limit, the price will be $5,99. Either way, it's a much cheaper option than the competing Netflix. Amazon also offers a seven-day free trial. So before you take the plunge, you can try the service.

Of course, you can also watch your favorite shows on your device Androidu. The great thing about all this is that you can download all the content in offline mode, which will be appreciated especially by the owners of the data plan.


Source: AndroidAuthority


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