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Everyone would love to live their American dream. Apparently the local operator T-Mobile was also thinking about this, but the driver of a large SUV thwarted his plans, i.e. at least delayed them. A very curious incident took place in Florida in the city of Palm Springs, where the driver of a Nissan Armada car literally rolled over the shop of the already mentioned operator. 

At first glance, one might think that a very unusual traffic accident has occurred, but this is far from the case. According to the interrogation, the driver entered the store with her car deliberately and fully knowingly. You won't believe it, but the large glass front door, the metal structure and even the workers themselves didn't stop her.

The local police immediately arrived at the incident and tried to get at least a small explanation from the driver. You won't believe it, but Miss Shinobia Montorio Wright, that's her full name, was just having a bad day and was unhappy with the operator's service earlier. The damage caused to T-Mobile is around $30.


Source: BGR

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