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Justin Long rose to fame mainly from 2006-2009, thanks to his starring role in the show "Get a Mac". In this series of videos, he tried to explain to his rival "PC", played by John Hodgman, why Apple's Mac computer was the better choice. However, the partnership between the legendary actor and Applem disappeared at the moment when they were showing a satirical biopic about Steve Jobs in theaters. And it was in this place that Huawei felt great hope.

Justin Long talks in a new ad for the Huawei Mate 9 phone, which will most likely be released during Sunday's Superbowl. According to the agency that produced the entire ad, the actor's history was the main reason why they chose him.

The entire video is in a very simple form - Justin Long sits across from the phone and speaks in a few words on the Huawei Mate 9, which responds with emoji smileys and visual effects that stand out really well on the 5,9-inch IPS LCD display panel.

I am a Mac

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