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At first it was just a joke, but now a factory that produced batteries for Galaxy Note 7. A fire broke out in the Samsung SDI factory in the Chinese industrial city of Tianjin. This came to the attention of the media already 2 years ago, when there was a huge chemical explosion here, which took dozens of lives and could even be observed from space.

A fire broke out in Wuqing Township last night, and the fire was quickly extinguished. More than 110 firefighters and 19 fire engines responded to the scene. According to available information, the fire spread directly from the waste section, where Samsung disposed of defective products.

At the beginning of the month, the Samsung SDI division announced that it had invested 130 million dollars in increasing the safety of its factories and that it would probably be the main supplier of batteries for the future Samsung flagship Galaxy. However, after a case like this, we are a bit concerned and hope that the company will solve the battery problems before any defective batteries spread in other phones.

Samsung SDI Tianjin


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