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The company Samsung has paid the confidant of the President of the Republic of South Korea over one billion crowns. The money served as bribes to one of the country's most powerful women, who were able to secure benefits for Samsung and approve various acquisitions of smaller companies without much scrutiny from the antitrust authorities.

The prosecutor wanted to send one of the richest men in the country and the world in general to prison already in January, but he did not succeed then. Only this week, the court decided to issue an arrest warrant for the head of the Samsung Group and immediately sent him into custody. It is the head of Samsung who is the main architect of the scandal that led to the ouster of President Park Geun-hye. According to his own words, the bribes that Samsung boss Jay Y. Lee had to send to the president's confidant in order for his company to receive state support exceeded one billion crowns.

Last month, Jae-yong declared directly in front of parliament that he had to send money and gifts to the president's confidant, otherwise the company would not have state support. In addition, if you remember the embarrassing handbags for Jana Nagyová, the president's confidant was really high. For example, Samsung supported her daughter's equestrian training in Germany with $18 million and donated more than $17 million to foundations that were supposed to be non-profit, but according to investigators, the trustee used them for her own needs. Another tens of millions of dollars then went directly to the trustee's accounts.

Tím však kauza uznávaného businessmana jen začíná, Jay Y. Lee je totiž rovněž obviněn ze zatajování zisku z kriminální činnosti. Je celkem zvláštní, že člověk, který vede celý konglomerát společnosti Samsung Group a je místoprdsedou dceřiné společnosti Samsung Electronics měl zapotřebí přividělávat si bokem. Jihokorejská policie a prokurátoři nyní zvažují vydání zatykačů také na množství dalších lidí z vedení Samsungu. Jak nakonec celá kauza dopadne budeme sledovat a samozřejmě přineseme vždy nové informace.

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