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The digital assistant Bixby is one of the main novelties to convince you to buy Galaxy S8. Samsung even pays so much attention to it that it equipped the S8 with a special hardware button to activate it. However, if you are one of those people who prefer to chat with your wife or friend instead of a virtual assistant, then you will certainly find it useful that Samsung Galaxy The S8 allows you to remap this button intended primarily for Bixby.

With the button mapping option, you can choose a custom function or application to launch when the button is pressed. This is possible with the help of an application All in One Gestures, which is available on Google Play. In the video below, you can see that the user has mapped the button to launch Google Now instead of Bixby. Samsung itself did not point out that it is possible to map the button, but now it is clear that this option is there and it will be welcomed by anyone who does not consider Bixby to be the center of the universe, at least the mobile one.

Galaxy S8 Bixby button FB

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