Close ad provides all travelers with an overview of fuel prices in the most frequented destinations where Czechs go on vacation in the summer. People now next to information about how much they will fill up a liter of gasoline at home and in neighboring Slovakia, they will find prices from France, Italy, Croatia and Spain. Adventurers who venture across the ocean can use the overview of gas stations from some parts of Australia.

"We have added data from more than 26 gas stations, from the open data of individual countries, which make them available to the general public free of charge. We plan to update at least four times an hour so that people can rely on being up to date about the holidays." says Jan Štěpán, product manager, adding: "Before the summer, when people go on trips abroad, we are supplementing the current domestic and Slovak gas stations. We have been cooperating with the CCS company on their collection for a year (since June 14, 6)."

[appbox simple googleplay cz.seznam.mapy&hl=cs]

Traveling along one's own axis is still very popular for many Czechs, as it brings with it independence and well-being. "For the easiest orientation, we list the prices per liter in the local currency," adds Jan Štěpán. Those who want to quickly convert the amount into crowns can, for example, use the search feature directly from the home page. Just enter the amount in the given currency in the command line and the search results will immediately display the conversion to Czech crowns according to the current CNB exchange rate. drawing stations abroad FB
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