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Sometimes our phone falls from just a small height and it is immediately visibly damaged. Other times, on the other hand, he survives a fall from such a height that we would argue that he has no chance of survival. The second mentioned case also happened to the American Blake Henderson with Samsung Galaxy S5. His phone survived a 1000-foot drop, which is just over 300 meters in our units.

From the plane, Henderson was filming another plane that was flying not far from theirs. However, due to the force of the wind, the phone slipped from his hand and fell for several seconds until it landed in the garden of a house. The owner of the land happened to be trimming a bush and did not know where the phone fell, but he only noticed it a few minutes later.

Galaxy The S5 not only survived, but also returned to the hands of its original owner. The video from the phone was shared on YouTube by Henderson's nephew.

Galaxy S5 drop from plane

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