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It's been a few months since Samsung succeeded obtain a permit in South Korea test an autonomous car on public roads. Today, however, Samsung officially confirmed that it received an almost identical permit in California as well.

Samsung concept Car:

Samsung did not say exactly what it actually wants to test in California. In a communication to the company Reuters however, the South Koreans said the permit would make it “safer and smarter transport future".

However, the company has already confirmed in the past that it is not interested in entering the automotive industry. Even though we probably won't see Samsung cars, the company can develop its own solution, system or technology and then license it to selected car manufacturers.

But Samsung is certainly not the first company to work on an autonomous system for cars, or perhaps even a self-driving car. Countless companies are working on similar projects, and the list includes giants like it Apple and Alphabet.

Samsung Car FB
Samsung Car FB concept

source: reuters

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