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There can be no doubt that Samsung will try to establish itself in the smart assistant market in the coming years. He considers his Bixby to be really excellent and believes that it can even reign supreme among intelligent assistants in the future.

The big strength of Bixby could be mainly in its wide implementation. The South Korean assistant is already slowly spreading across smartphones, and in the future we should see it on tablets or even on televisions. Last week, the South Korean giant confirmed even what has been speculated about for some time. According to him, he recently started developing a smart speaker that will also offer Bixby support.

Will we get a premium product?

The smart speaker will most likely be a very interesting product. According to all indications, Samsung is working on it with the company Harman, which not long ago bought back. And since Harman focuses largely on audio technology, you can expect a real masterpiece from the smart speaker. After all, Harman CEO Denish Paliwal also confirmed this.

"The product is still in the development phase, but when it is launched, it will surpass Google Assistant or Amazon Alexa," he claimed.

So we'll see what Samsung comes up with in the end. There are whispers in the corridors about the creation of an ecosystem, which should connect all products from Samsung into one unit, following the example of Apple. Let's see how this vision can be realized in the end. However, if they really create something similar, we definitely have something to look forward to.


Source: Phonearena

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