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What is important when purchasing a device are the parameters, appearance, size, manufacturer and one of the most important factors is the price. The Internet is full of portals where you can filter the given things and find exactly what you need. Whether it is foreign or domestic sites.

Does Samsung have a worldwide warranty? What about complaints when buying a product from abroad or a strange seller? Below we will talk more about this and how to avoid problems.

Cheap or expensive

You can buy products online or in brick-and-mortar stores. They are either official websites and stores of large electronics distributors that are known to everyone, or less well-known sellers. And it is these sellers that you should pay attention to. Many small electronics customers buy goods from abroad intended for other countries. It is a cheap purchase for them and they can make a decent profit by selling it in our country. That is why these devices are offered at a very attractive price and this may be one of the reasons that something is wrong with them. Of course, there are also those who are honest and you can get a Czech or Slovak phone even for cheap money.

A separate category is eBay, AliExpress, Aukro and similar portals. These are the places you should avoid. If you want to use your device seriously and not deal with complaints by arguing with the seller, it is better to pay extra and buy from verified stores. Despite the fact that in almost 90% of cases you will come across foreign distribution, it often happens that mobile phones are stolen or refurbished.

Samsung warranty

Samsung unlike Apple it does not have a worldwide warranty. The devices are distributed under the code designation of the country for which they are intended. You could notice this label mainly in e-shops, where there are 6 capital letters after the product name. For example "ZKAETL". The first three letters indicate the color of the device. In this case, it is black and the other 3 letters bear the designation of the landscape. ETL is the designation for open market (open market for the Czech Republic), this means that they are not intended for any operator. All this information is ascertained according to IMEI numbers.

In our case, the manufacturer combined the Czech Republic and Slovakia into one region, so it doesn't matter in which of these countries you buy the product. You will be able to claim the warranty in the territory of both, whether it is a store or a service center. In other cases, you must handle the complaint in the country of purchase.

However, if you have already bought a Samsung product from a dubious seller, it is a good idea to contact the customer line or service center. They will help you verify the distribution and let you know how to proceed in the event of a complaint.

List and explanation of distribution abbreviations for the Czech Republic and Slovakia

In shortmark
ETL, XEZCZ free market
TMZT-Mobile CZ
TMST-Mobile SK
VDCVodafone CZ
ORSOrange SK
ORX, XSKSK free market



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